Formation Annuelle à la Neutronique 2024 -en

The FANs 2024 will take place from June 25 to 27 in Grenoble

The FAN is a practical training, organized by the 2FDN in collaboration with the ILL, for the use of researchers wishing to be initiated or to become familiar with the experimental techniques used in neutron scattering for condensed matter. The training will start with a general introduction to neutronics. It will be followed by theoretical courses in the chosen discipline and then by a day and a half of practical training: practical work and data analysis. Two courses are proposed: hard matter and magnetism on the one hand, and soft matter and biology on the other. A list of practicals will be proposed on the following techniques: powder and single crystal diffraction, small angle neutron scattering (SANS), inelastic neutron scattering on time-of-flight or backscattering spectrometers (ToF/BS) and three-axis spectrometers (TAS). Participants will be assigned to the different groups according to their priority choices and the available places.

  • June 25-27 2024
  • Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble

Previsional programme

Tusday, June 25

  • 8h00 : meeting at the EPN campus site entrance – 
  • 8h30-8h45 : Welcome- Jacques Jestin & Marie Plazanet
     (ILL50, room 101) 
  • 8h45 – 9h00 : Informations, security – Marie Plazanet
     (ILL50, room 101)
  • 9h00 – 10h45 : Introduction to neutronics (production and properties of neutrons) – Alain Menelle
     (ILL50, room 101)
  • 11h00 – 12h30 : Visit of ILL installations – 
     (Meeting hall ILL4)

Hard condensed matter

  • 14h00 – 15h45 : Introduction to diffraction
     (ILL4, room 121)
  • 16h15 – 18h00 : Introduction to inelastic neutrons scattering – Sylvain Petit
     (ILL4, room 121)

Soft matter & Biophysics 

  • 14h00 – 15h45 : Introduction to small angle neutron scattering (SANS) – Fabrice Cousin
     (ILL4, room 158)
  • 16h15 – 18h00 : Introduction to Time of Flight and BackScattering spectroscopy – Jean-Marc Zanotti
     (ILL4, room 158)

Wednesday, June 26  

8h30 – 12h30 and 14h00 – 18h00

Hard condensed matter

  • Group Powder Diffraction :
    Practical on the powder diffractometer D1B – Françoise Damay & Claire Colin

Soft Matter

  • Group SANS :
    Practical on the SANS SAM –  Nicolas Martin & Fabrice Cousin
  • Group Dynamics :
    Practical on the Backscattering spectrometer IN13  – Agathe Belime & Marie Plazanet

Thursday, June 27

  • 8h30-12h30 :
    data analysis/ modelling – same instructors as the day before.


Permanent or non-permanent French laboratory staff from PhD level upwards. Ideal target: young permanent staff of laboratories not specialized in neutronics, who can in turn train their students and PhD students. Maximum number of participants: 20.


Registration is now open. A short CV, a brief description of the research work and a letter of motivation will be required. The closing date for applications is May 15. A committee will select the candidates according to the relevance of their training and their eligibility for this school. The list of selected candidates will be communicated on May 15 at the latest. The school is free of charge. Participants who require accommodation will be housed at the Marie Curie residence in Grenoble (rue Félix Esclangon). The training is planned to be held entirely in person.


Fabrice Cousin (LLB)
Françoise Damay (LLB)
Béatrice Grenier (UGA et CEA/MEM)
Alain Menelle (LLB)
Marie Plazanet (LIPhy)
