JDN 2024 : soumettez vos résumés !
Cette année, les JDN se dérouleront du 30 septembre au 3 octobre sur l’ile de Porquerolles dans le Var. Les journées seront organisées autour de 5 sessions thématiques : Matière Molle, Matière Condensée, Magnétisme, Biologie & environnement et Instrumentation. Une session spéciale « Les Neutrons au-delà de la Diffusion », sur les autres utilisations du rayonnement neutronique, sera également organisée.
Vous pouvez dès à présent soumettre vos résumés pour une contribution orale ou par affiche à ; vous trouverez le template pour les résumés sur le site web de la SFN.
Vous y trouverez aussi les détails sur l’hébergement et les modalités d’inscription.A bientôt à Porquerolles !
Le comité d’organisation des JDN2024
- L’école FASEM (French-Swedish Academy for Scattering Experiments and Modeling) dédiée aux Sciences de la Vie s’est déroulée avec succès du 11 au 15 mars 2024 à Lund, en Suède.
Organisée au LINXS (Institute of Advanced Neutron and X-ray Science) par la SFN, le LLB, l’ESS et l’Institut français de Stockholm, cette école a bénéficié du soutien financier du CNRS, de la 2FDN, du LLB, de l’Institut français, de l’ESS et de SOLEIL.
Elle a rassemblé 26 étudiants sélectionnés parmi 60 candidatures, dont 54 % issus de laboratoires français, ainsi que 20 intervenants pour des cours théoriques et des présentations (disponibles ici) sur l’apport de la diffusion des rayons X et des neutrons et de la modélisation en biologie structurale. Les participants ont unanimement salué la qualité des cours et l’expertise des conférenciers et ont apprécié la visite de l’ESS et du synchrotron MAX-IV, le tout dans une ambiance conviviale.
Pour plus d’informations, vous pouvez lire l’article de l’Institut français en Suède ici.
- La 2FDN organise un prochain workshop sur le thème “Neutorns et matière quantique” qui se tiendra le 21 novembre à Grenoble. Réservez la date !
Dates limites :
- Appel à propositions de SINQ, PSI (Suisse) : 1er juillet 2024.
- Appel à propositions de l’ILL : 16 septembre 2024.
Actualité scientifique du mois
How to improve chocolate tempering? Use SANS!
Chocolate manufacturing is not easy and requires a complex tempering (mixing and heating) procedure to direct the crystallization of cocoa butter towards the formation of optimal cocoa butter crystals to obtain the good eating quality of chocolate. Recently, the group of Pr. Marangoni (University of Guelph, Canada) in collaboration with the groups of Dr. Anne-Laure Fameau (INRAE, UMET, France) and Pr. Erica Pensini (University of Guelph, Canada) discovered that the addition of small lipidic components promoted proper chocolate tempering without complex tempering procedures. The objective of our work was determining the mechanism by which these minor lipids exert their effect.
Offres d’emploi
Si vous avez une offre d’emploi, n’hésitez pas à nous la faire parvenir, nous la diffuserons.
instrument scientist (permanent position) for the single-crystal neutron diffractometer MAGiC at European Spallation Source in Lund, Sweden, within the Diffraction & Imaging Division.
- position de thèse en instrumentation neutronique
poste CDD CNRS ouvert au LLB : Administrateur du projet Icone.
- permanent position for a qualified engineer at the design office of the LLB in Saclay.
- fixed time position for a designer for the design office of the LLB in Saclay.
- post-Doc Position in Physical-Chemistry / Biophysics in Grenoble.
- PhD position in PHENIX (Sorbonne University, Paris, France) on self-assembly of molecular colloids & polyelectrolytes:
Evènements à venir
Voir aussi
- 16th Bombannes Summer School on “Scattering Methods Applied to Soft Condensed Matter”. June 4th to 11th 2024, in Bombannes/Carcans-Maubuisson, Gironde, France.
- International Operando Battery Days, 12-14 June 2024, Grenoble (France).
- QENS/WINS conference, 10th-14th June 2024, in Manchester, UK.
Training in Neutron Techniques TNT2024 dedicated to small angle scattering and reflectometry, organised by the italian neutron scattering society (SISN), june 16- 21 in San Giovanni in Valle Aurina (BZ). Deadline for registration : April 18th.
- 17th International Surface X-ray and Neutron Scattering Conference, hosted by the ESRF and ILL on the EPN campus in Grenoble, France from 15th – 18th July 2024, followed by a symposium in honour of John W. White on July 18th and 19th.
International Summer Programme on Neutron and X-Ray Science for undergraduate students, in Grenoble from 1 to 28 September, 2024.
Second ESS Data Management and Software Centre Summer School, Sept. 1 to 6th, 2024, Copenhagen. Registrations open: here.
- CMD-General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of EPS, Braga, Portugal, Sept. 2nd-6th, 2024 : join the mini-colloquium MC30 – Materials Research with Neutrons.
- Journées de la Diffusion Neutronique, Porquerolles, 30 septembre-3 octobre 2024. Date limite pour l’envoi des résumés : 15 juillet. Date limite d’inscription : 30 août.
- École de réflectivité rayons-X/neutrons, 8 – 11 octobre 2024 à l’ICSM (Marcoule)
26th Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering, Juelich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS) Sept. 2 – 13, 2024 in Juelich and Garching/Munich, Germany. For more information, please visit
- Journées de la matière condensée 2024, Marseille, 28-31 octobre. Date limite pour l’envoi des résumés : 14 juin.
- MDANSE School on calculating the dynamical and vibrational properties of materials to generate realistic simulated data such as inelastic and quasi-elastic neutron scattering spectra. Institut Laue Langevin (ILL), Grenoble. November 5 to 7, 2024. Registration is opened until June 30th, 2024.
Publications du mois
Merci de nous signaler les publications récentes qui ont échappé à nos recherches. Nous les ajouterons.
- Antiferromagnetic ground state and evidence for metamagnetic transition in itinerant-electron compounds YCo12-xFexB6 (x=1.5, 2, 2.5)
Vallet-Simond, B.; Diop, L. V. B.; Isnard, O.
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS - Hidden magnetic instability in the substituted multiferroics (Nd, Tb)Fe3(BO3)4
Golosovsky, I., V; Mukhin, A. A.; Skumryev, V.; Ressouche, E.; Ivanov, V. Yu.; Gudim, I. A.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B - Large magnetocaloric effect due to spin-glass behavior in the (Mn1/3R2/3)2(Mn1/3Sb2/3 )2O7 pyrochlore series
Solana-Madruga, Elena; Dos Santos-Garcia, Antonio J.; Ritter, Clemens; Arevalo-Lopez, Angel M.; Avila-Brande, David; Urones-Garrote, Esteban; Saez-Puche, Regino
SOLID STATE SCIENCES - BaCoO2 with Tetrahedral Cobalt Coordination: The Missing Element to Understand Energy Storage and Conversion Applications in BaCoO3−δ-Based Materials
Diatta, Aliou; Colin, Claire V.; Viennois, Romain; Beaudhuin, Mickael; Haines, Julien; Hermet, Patrick; van der Lee, Arie; Konczewicz, Leszek; Armand, Pascale; Rouquette, Jérôme
Journal of the American Chemical Society - High-temperature transport properties of entropy-stabilized pyrochlores
Miruszewski, Tadeusz; Vayer, Florianne; Jaworski, Daniel; Berardan, David; Decorse, Claudia; Bochentyn, Beata; Sheptyakov, Denis; Gazda, Maria; Dragoe, Nita
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS - The origins of critical deformations in cylindrical silicon based Li-ion batteries
Luebke, Erik; Helfen, Lukas; Cook, Phil; Mirolo, Marta; Vinci, Valentin; Korjus, Ove; Fuchsbichler, Bernd; Koller, Stefan; Brunner, Roland; Drnec, Jakub; Lyonnard, Sandrine
ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE - Variable Temperature In Situ Neutron Powder Diffraction and Conductivity Studies of Undoped HoNbO4 and HoTaO4
Mullens, Bryce G.; Saura-Muzquiz, Matilde; Cordaro, Giulio; Marlton, Frederick P.; Maynard-Casely, Helen E.; Zhang, Zhaoming; Baldinozzi, Gianguido; Kennedy, Brendan J.
CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS - AB 2-type rare earth-based compounds with C-15 structure: Looking for reversible hydrogen storage materials
Shen, Hao; Zhang, Junxian; Paul-Boncour, Val erie; Li, Ping; Li, Zhinian; Wu, Yuanfang; Jiang, Lijun
JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS - Ce- and Ni-Codoped Double PrBaMn2O5 Perovskite as a Ceramic SOFC Anode
Managutti, Praveen B.; Wen, Yeting; Hansen, Thomas C.; Dorcet, Vincent; Paofai, Serge; Briois, Pascal; Huang, Kevin; Bahout, Mona
ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS - Flexible fluorinated graphite foils with high contents of the (C2F)n phase for slow neutron reflectors
Henry, Killian; Colin, Marie; Chambery, Gabin; Vigolo, Brigitte; Cahen, Sébastien; Hérold, Claire; Nesvizhevsky, Valery; Le Floch, Sylvie; Pischedda, Vittoria; Chen, Sam; Dubois, Marc
Dalton Trans. - Stabilization of layered lithium-rich manganese oxide for anion exchange membrane fuel cells and water electrolysers
Zhong, Xuepeng; Sui, Lijun; Yang, Menghao; Koketsu, Toshinari; Klingenhof, Malte; Selve, Soeren; Reeves, Kyle G.; Ge, Chuangxin; Zhuang, Lin; Kan, Wang Hay; Avdeev, Maxim; Shu, Miao; Alonso-Vante, Nicolas; Chen, Jin-Ming; Haw, Shu-Chih; Pao, Chih-Wen; Chang, Yu-Chung; Huang, Yunhui; Hu, Zhiwei; Strasser, Peter; Ma, Jiwei
NATURE CATALYSIS - Explaining an anomalous pressure dependence of shear modulus in germanate glasses based on Reverse Monte Carlo modelling
Sorensena, Soren S.; Ge, Xuan; Micoulaut, Matthieu; Shi, Ying; Juelsholt, Mikkel; Jensen, Kirsten M. O.; Neuefeind, Joerg; Jensen, Lars R.; Bockowski, Michal; Smedskjaer, Morten M.
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY - Effect of Cr/Mn Addition in TiVNb on Hydrogen Sorption Properties: Thermodynamics and Phase Transition Study
Bouzidi, Anis; Elkaim, Erik; Nassif, Vivian; Zlotea, Claudia
HYDROGEN - Residual Stress Relaxation in the Laser Welded Structure after Low-Cycle Fatigue and Fatigue Life: Numerical Analysis and Neutron Diffraction Experiment
Liu, Miaoran; Kouadri-David, Afia; Ma, Guangyi
COATINGS - Experimental study and modelling of carbide precipitation sequence in Fe based model alloys containing C, Mo and Mn
Benarosch, A.; Toffolon-Masclet, C.; Joubert, J. M.; Marini, B.; Meslin, E.; Trzaska, Z.; Thiaudiere, D.; Mocuta, C.; Guillot, I.
ACTA MATERIALIA - Phonon Dispersion and Proton Disorder of Ice VII and VIII
Radtke, G.; Klotz, S.; Lazzeri, M.; Loubeyre, P.; Krisch, M.; Bossak, A.
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS - Crossover from gas-like to liquid-like molecular diffusion in a simple supercritical fluid
Ranieri, Umbertoluca; Formisano, Ferdinando; Gorelli, Federico A.; Santoro, Mario; Koza, Michael Marek; De Francesco, Alessio; Bove, Livia E.
Nature Communications - Anion Architecture Controls Structure and Electroresponsivity of Anhalogenous Ionic Liquids in a Sustainable Fluid
Li, Sichao; Hammond, Oliver S.; Nelson, Andrew; de Campo, Liliana; Moir, Michael; Recsei, Carl; Shimpi, Manishkumar R.; Glavatskih, Sergei; Pilkington, Georgia A.; Mudring, Anja-Verena; Rutland, Mark W.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B - Towards in-situ water quantification via neutron imaging: insights from NeXT-Grenoble
Nemati, Arash; Lukic, Bratislav; Tengattini, Alessandro; Briffaut, Matthieu; Sechet, Philippe
MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - Neutron diffraction from a microgravity-grown crystal reveals the active site hydrogens of the internal aldimine form of tryptophan synthase
Drago, Victoria N.; Devos, Juliette M.; Blakeley, Matthew P.; Forsyth, V. Trevor; Parks, Jerry M.; Kovalevsky, Andrey; Mueser, Timothy C.
CELL REPORTS PHYSICAL SCIENCE - Photo-responsive supramolecular polymer bottle-brushes: The key role of the solvent on self-assembly and responsiveness
Harvey, Luke; Schweins, Ralf; Morfin, Isabelle; Chahine, Gilbert; Brotons, Guillaume; Bouteiller, Laurent; Nicol, Erwan; Colombani, Olivier
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science - Dynamic Personality of Proteins and Effect of the Molecular Environment
Sonaglioni, Daniele; Libera, Valeria; Tombari, Elpidio; Peters, Judith; Natali, Francesca; Petrillo, Caterina; Comez, Lucia; Capaccioli, Simone; Paciaroni, Alessandro
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS - Scalable Approach to Molecular Motor-Polymer Conjugates for Light-Driven Artificial Muscles
Yao, Xuyang; Vishnu, Jude Ann; Lupfer, Claudius; Hoenders, Daniel; Skarsetz, Oliver; Chen, Weixiang; Dattler, Damien; Perrot, Alexis; Wang, Wen-zhi; Gao, Chuan; Giuseppone, Nicolas; Schmid, Friederike; Walther, Andreas