French-Swiss Meeting SANS for Soft Matter

Due to the COVID current situation, the workshop is postponed to MARCH 30th-31st.


Our aim of this workshop is to gather soft matter scientists who are interested in Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS). Experts as well as beginners in the field of scattering are welcome to join. We will present the current and future panorama of the SANS instruments that are available to the French and Swiss communities. In particular, we focus on the new world-class SANS-LLB instrument that will be available to users in spring 2022, being operated jointly by PSI and LLB. We welcome talk and poster contributions from SANS applications and scientific cases in the broad field of soft matter : liquids, colloids, surfactants, polymers, foams, gels, granulars, liquid crystals, emulsions, capsules, proteins, biological materials, food, pharma, cosmetics, and others. Looking forward to your contribution.

Dates and location

The workshop will take place from March 30, 2022 at 1.30 p.m. until March 31st, 2022 at 4 p.m. at the Ancienne douane (Strasbourg, France).

Invited Speakers

Prof. Peter Fischer, ETH, Zurich

Dr. Frank Gabel, IBS, Grenoble

Dr. Julian Oberdisse, L2C, Montpellier

Prof. Walter Richtering, RWTH, Aachen

Dr. Véronique Receveur-Bréchot (IMM, Marseille)

Deadlines and registration

Abstract submission : 15th December 2021

Registration (free) : 10th February 2022 – please fill the registation form following this link.

Please send your contribution using the template, by email to


Dowload the program here and the booklet of abstracts .

Wednesday March 30th
12:30 – 14:00 welcome and buffet

Introductory Session

14:00 – 14:20 Michel Kenzelmann (PSI), Grégory Chaboussant (LLB), Foreword

14:20 – 14:40 Nicolas Martin (LLB) Presentation of SANS outstations at LLB

14:40 – 15:00 Viviane-Lutz Bueno (PSI-LLB) SANS-LLB at PSI : keeping up with the community needs

Session Polymers

15:00 – 15:35 Plenary lecture : Dr. Julian Oberdisse, LCC, Montpellier

Coffee break

16:15 – 16:50 Plenary lecture : Prof. Walter Richtering, RWTH, Aachen

16:50 – 17:50 Contributed talks

Boyang Zhou (PSI)

Cécile Rerzki-Vérité (ECE Paris/LLB)

Alexis Chennevière (LLB)

18:00 – 19:30 Aperitive and poster session

20:00 Dinner

Thursday March 31st

Session Colloids and surfactants

9:00 – 9:35 Plenary lecture : Véronique Receveur-Bréchot (IMM, Marseille)

9:35 – 10:35 Contributed talks :

Sylvain Prévost (ILL Grenoble)

Martin In (LCC Montpellier)

Elise Guerinoni (ICSM Marcoule)

Coffee break

Session Biophysics and life science

11:00 – 11:35 Plenary lecture : Dr. Frank Gabel, IBS, Grenoble

11:35 – 12:35 Contributed talks :

Olga Matsarskaia (ILL Grenoble)

Julien Lamolinairie (ILL Grenoble)

Jérôme Combet (ICS Strasbourg)

Group photo

Lunch at L’Ancienne Douane

Session Food and pharmaceutical Science

14:00 – 14:35 Plenary lecture : Prof. Peter Fischer, ETH, Zurich

14:35 – 15:35 Contributed talks :

Maja Napieraj (LLB)

A. Murmiliuk (JCNS Jülich)

Max Hohenschutz (RWTH Aachen University)

15:35 Concluding remarks and End of conference. Poster prize

Organizing committee

Sophie Combet (LLB)

Fabrice Cousin (LLB/2FDN)

Urs Gasser (PSI)

Pamela Knupp (PSI)

Alessandra Luchini (PSI)

Viviane Lütz-Bueno (PSI/LLB)

Marie Plazanet (LIPhy/2FDN)


to be dowloaded here.
