High Density Lipoprotein Function is Modulated by the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein in a Lipid-Type Dependent Manner

Yubexi Correa1, Rita Del Giudice1, Sarah Waldie1,2a,3, Michel Thépaut4, Samantha Micciula2b, Yuri Gerelli5,6, Martine Moulin2a,3, Clara Delaunay4, Franck Fieschi3,4,7, Harald Pichler8, Michael Haertlein2a,3, V. Trevor Forsyth2a,3,9, Anton Le Brun10, Michael Moir10, Robert A. Russell10, Tamim Darwish10, Jonas Brinck11, Tigist Wodaje11, Martin Jansen12, César Martín13, Felix Roosen-Runge1 and Marité Cárdenas1,13,14,15. 1 Biofilm – Research Center for […]

Structure magnétique et dépendance en champ de la cycloïde incommensurable médiatrice de la transition de réorientation de spins dans Ca3Ru2O7

Quentin FAURE – Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, CEA, Laboratoire Léon Brillouin Les matériaux présentant un fort couplage spin-orbite ont récemment attiré beaucoup d’attention de par leur potentielle réalisation de nouvelles phases électroniques et magnétiques [1]. Les composés à base de métaux de transition 4d tel que le ruthénium jouent un rôle particulièrement important dans ce domaine, […]

First neutron diffraction measurements on DIoGENE at the IPHI–Neutrons CANS

Jacques Darpentigny and Frédéric Ott IRAMIS/Laboratoire Léon Brillouin, CEA-CNRS, Univ. Paris-Saclay, 91191 Gif sur Yvette France. E-mails: Jacques.Darpentigny@cea.fr, Frederic.Ott@cea.fr Within Europe, the association ELENA [1] was recently created to promote the investigation of the capabilities of new types of neutron sources using low energy proton accelerators to build HiCANS type sources, namely High Current Accelerator-driven […]

Diffusive Dynamics of Bacterial Proteome as a Proxy of Cell Death

Daniele Di Baria,b,c, Stepan Timrd,e,f, Marianne Guiralg, Marie-Thérèse Giudici-Orticonig, Tilo Seydelc, Christian Beckc, Caterina Petrilloa, Philippe Derreumauxd,e,j , Simone Melchionnah,i, Fabio Sterponed,e,∗, Judith Petersb,c,j,∗, Alessandro Paciaronia,∗ a Dipartimento di Fisica e Geologia, Università degli Studi di Perugia,b Université Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique,c Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, Franced Laboratoire de Biochimie Théorique (UPR 9080), […]

Phonon behavior in a random solid solution: a lattice dynamics study on the high-entropy alloy FeCoCrMnNi

Shelby R. Turner1,2,3, Stéphane Pailhès3, Frédéric Bourdarot4, Jacques Ollivier1, Yvan Sidis5, John-Paul Castellan5,6, Jean-Marc Zanotti5, Quentin Berrod7, Florence Porcher5, Alexei Bosak8, Michael Feuerbacher9, Helmut Schober1, Marc de Boissieu2, and Valentina M. Giordano3 1 Institut Laue-Langevin, F-38042 Grenoble cedex, France2 Université Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble-INP, SIMaP, F-38000 Grenoble, France3 Institute of Light and Matter, UMR5306 Université […]

Hybrid systems combining liposomes and entangled hyaluronic acid chains: influence of liposome surface and drug encapsulation on the microstructure

Céline JAUDOIN a, Isabelle GRILLO b, Fabrice COUSIN c, Maria GEHRKE a, Malika OULDALI d, Ana-Andreea ARTENI d, Luc PICTON e, Christophe RIHOUEY e, Fanny SIMELIERE a, Amélie BOCHOT a, Florence AGNELY a a Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, Institut Galien Paris-Saclay, 5 rue J-B Clément, 92296 Châtenay-Malabry, France. b Institut Laue-Langevin, 71 avenue des Martyrs, 38042 Grenoble, France. c Laboratoire Léon Brillouin, Université Paris-Saclay, UMR12 CEA-CNRS, 91191 […]

A WAAM benchmark: from process parameters to thermal effects on weld pool shape, microstructure and residual stresses.

Camille Cambon, Issam Bendaoud, Sébastien Rouquette and Fabien Soulié LMGC, Univ. Montpellier, CNRS, Montpellier, France See the full published paper. Wire + arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) process is based on layer-by-layer deposition of melted filler-wire. WAAM is a sort of 3D printer for making metallic parts. The WAAM process, under consideration in this work, uses […]

Edge-On (Cellulose II) and Face-On (Cellulose I) Adsorption of Cellulose Nanocrystals at the Oil–Water Interface: A Combined Entropic and Enthalpic Process

Somia Haouache1,2,#, Yu Chen3,#, Clara Jimenez1, Fabrice Cousin4, Pan Chen3, Yoshiharu Nishiyama5, François Jerome2, Isabelle Capron1 INRAE, UR BIA, F-44316, Nantes, France ICMMP, Université de Poitiers-CNRS, Poitiers, France Beijing Engineering Research Centre of Cellulose and Its Derivatives, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, 100081, Beijing, P.R. China Laboratoire Léon Brillouin, Université […]

Signature of a randomness-driven spin-liquid state in a frustrated magnet

J. Khatua1 , M. Gomilšek 2,3, J. C. Orain4, A. M. Strydom 5,6, Z. Jagličić 7,8, C. V. Colin 9, S. Petit 10, A. Ozarowski 11, L. Mangin-Thro 12, K. Sethupathi 1,13, M. S. Ramachandra Rao 13,14, A. Zorko 2,3 and P. Khuntia 1,13,15✉ 1 Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, Tamil […]
