- Les Journées de la Diffusion Neutronique (JDN 2024), organisées sous l’égide de la SFN, auront lieu du 30 septembre au 3 octobre 2024 sur l’île de Porquerolles dans le Var. Réservez les dates dans vos agendas !
- La presse parle de la neutronique française ! Lisez les articles récents.
- La prochaine édition des FANs, Formation Annuelle à la Neutronique, aura lieu du 25 au 27 juin à l’ILL (grenoble). Informations et inscriptions ici.
Attention ! date limite d’inscription : 15 mai.
Actualité scientifique du mois
Influence of lipid bilayer properties on the evolutionary loss of betaine lipids in seed plants
Our work gives a possible explanation for an intriguing question that is unanswered for more than 30 years, since the discovery of betaine lipids: why seed plants lost their capacity to synthesized them if betaine lipids are a good substitute for phospholipids during phosphate starvation?
Offres d’emploi
Si vous avez une offre d’emploi, n’hésitez pas à nous la faire parvenir, nous la diffuserons.
instrument scientist (permanent position) for the single-crystal neutron diffractometer MAGiC at European Spallation Source in Lund, Sweden, within the Diffraction & Imaging Division.
- position de thèse en instrumentation neutronique
poste CDD CNRS ouvert au LLB : Administrateur du projet Icone.
- permanent position for a qualified engineer at the design office of the LLB in Saclay.
- fixed time position for a designer for the design office of the LLB in Saclay.
- post-Doc Position in Physical-Chemistry / Biophysics in Grenoble.
- PhD position in PHENIX (Sorbonne University, Paris, France) on self-assembly of molecular colloids & polyelectrolytes:
Evènements à venir
Voir aussi
- 16th Bombannes Summer School on « Scattering Methods Applied to Soft Condensed Matter ». June 4th to 11th 2024, in Bombannes/Carcans-Maubuisson, Gironde, France.
- International Operando Battery Days, 12-14 June 2024, Grenoble (France).
- QENS/WINS conference, 10th-14th June 2024, in Manchester, UK.
Training in Neutron Techniques TNT2024 dedicated to small angle scattering and reflectometry, organised by the italian neutron scattering society (SISN), june 16- 21 in San Giovanni in Valle Aurina (BZ). Deadline for registration : April 18th.
- 17th International Surface X-ray and Neutron Scattering Conference, hosted by the ESRF and ILL on the EPN campus in Grenoble, France from 15th – 18th July 2024, followed by a symposium in honour of John W. White on July 18th and 19th.
International Summer Programme on Neutron and X-Ray Science for undergraduate students, in Grenoble from 1 to 28 September, 2024.
- CMD-General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of EPS, Braga, Portugal, Sept. 2nd-6th, 2024 : join the mini-colloquium MC30 – Materials Research with Neutrons.
- Journées de la Diffusion Neutronique, Porquerolles, 30 septembre-3 octobre 2024
- École de réflectivité rayons-X/neutrons, 8 – 11 octobre 2024 à l’ICSM (Marcoule)
26th Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering, Juelich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS) Sept. 2 – 13, 2024 in Juelich and Garching/Munich, Germany. For more information, please visit
- Journées de la matière condensée 2024, Marseille, 28-31 octobre.
- MDANSE School on calculating the dynamical and vibrational properties of materials to generate realistic simulated data such as inelastic and quasi-elastic neutron scattering spectra. Institut Laue Langevin (ILL), Grenoble. November 5 to 7, 2024. Registration is opened until June 30th, 2024.
Publications du mois
Merci de nous signaler les publications récentes qui ont échappé à nos recherches. Nous les ajouterons.
- Large-cage occupation and quantum dynamics of hydrogen molecules in sII clathrate hydrates
Ranieri, Umbertoluca; del Rosso, Leonardo; Bove, Livia Eleonora; Celli, Milva; Colognesi, Daniele; Gaal, Richard; Hansen, Thomas C.; Koza, Michael Marek; Ulivi, Lorenzo
JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS - Thermophysical properties of H2O and D2O ice Ih with contributions from proton disorder, quenching, relaxation, and extended defects: A model case for solids with quenching and relaxation
Holzapfel, W. B.; Klotz, S.
JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS - Experimental and Modeling Analyses of the Correlation between Local 3D Heterogeneities and the Macroscopic Observers of a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Stack
Morin, Arnaud; Balestriere, Pierrick; LaManna, Jacob M.; Baltic, Elias; Hussey, Daniel S.; Jacobson, David L.; Vacquier, Christophe; Poirot-Crouvezier, Jean-Philippe